Thursday, June 22, 2006


I send off the (many) corrections to the page proofs tomorrow. Strangely, in addition to many good and useful queries and changes, the folks in Chennai lopped of the –ue of all words. You heard it here first: that suffix (is it a suffix?) is on the way out. I’m holding on, however. Analogue, catalogue [British, I know, but it is a monograph on Woolf], dialogue, and monologue have all been restored to their full glory. But I will cease the plaints with that.

I hired an indexer to do the index for my book. I’m so pleased with the result! Somehow this compressed list captures what makes me proud of the book (embarrassing to admit) and what made it fun to write: the list still looks rich, fertile, and surprising to me--full of things I like and things that interest me. That's a hard thing to write without sounding immodest. Still, it seems really cool to have an outside reader come up with this list: not quite as good as a Borges catalogue, but still rich and miscellaneous. And so, for your reading pleasure, a preview: the index for the letter A:
  • “Addison,” 86, 96-99, 102
  • Addison, Joseph, 11-14, 78, 86, 89, 91, 163
    influence on Woolf, 95-103
    in Orlando, 105-6
    spectatorship and, 109-10, 112-14
  • African writers, Woolf’s influence on, 14, 161-65, 167-68
    See also Aidoo, Ama Ata; El Saadawi, Nawal; Lessing, Doris
  • Agamemnon (Aeschylus), 19-20, 35, 40
  • Aidoo, Ama Ata, 14, 161-63, 167-68
  • “Am I a Snob?” 2, 96
  • Anderson, Benedict, 5, 12, 162
  • androgyny, 79, 107, 117, 119, 126, 141
  • Antigone (Sophocles), 17-20, 29, 34, 43-47, 49, 166
  • Anxiety of Influence, The (Bloom), 5
  • “Anon,” 55, 82-83, 87, 158
  • anonymity
    as creative outlet, 13, 83
    fame and the loss of, 134-35, 157-59
    public debate and, 86-88
    Woolf’s impatience with, 93-95
  • arcades, 80-81
  • Arendt, Hannah, 104
  • “Aurora Leigh,,” 151
  • Austen, Jane, 5, 42, 91-92
    Woolf on, 95-96
  • authenticity, 83, 114, 149

To see the other 25 letters, you’ll have to wait until the fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have toyed with the possibility of becoming an indexer after library school. It looks like your contractor has done a great job - the 'see also' indicates a worker with a good eye for detail, methinks. Survey it carefully, though - information managers make mistakes too!