Friday, August 10, 2007

For those of you keeping score...

...I'm off to London tomorrow for the last of 3 Mrs. Dalloway-related research trips.

Upon my return, I think (maybe?) life will settle into a routine and, here's hoping, that routine will permit some blogging.

I'm hopeful about this as I find that I'm thinking in blog entries all the time and I just lack the five minutes it'd take to write up the story of Bella Woolf (Leonard's sister) in the Gambia, or my impressions of Marya Montero's novel, or Alan Bennett's forthcoming novella, or Conrad's use of "indolent" in The Secret Agent, or watching the baby come into language, or two recent books on how to become a novelist--one friendly and feminist, one macho, or... Well, you see how it is.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Happy sleuthing, Anne! What a lark! what a plunge!